Metis was created to provide us with a space to innovate and grow beyond the boundaries of the self-insurance risk pools that we operate, but our pools remain at the core of what we do. Across all entities under the Metis umbrella, we share the same dedication to serving people and communities, keeping things human and simple wherever possible, and offering the most innovative and comprehensive coverages and services we possibly can.
We administer several group self-insurance risk pools which function very similarly to commercial insurance carriers. We write coverages, handle claims, and provide risk management services to our customers. However, our pools carry a few key advantages over traditional insurance.
Our risk pools were established as alternatives to commercial products. The coverages we carry are more comprehensive and tailored to our customers’ needs than what can be found on the commercial market.
These risk pools are wholly owned by the customers or member entities and are represented by supervisory boards elected from within the membership. This structure means there are no shareholders or outside investors to answer to.
RMP exists to administer third-party public entity risk pools. It holds the servicing contracts for both VAcorp and WVcorp.
Metis Business Services provides specialty servicing of third-party public entity risk pools that fall outside the typical day-to-day operations of RMP. This includes Nurse Case Management, Property Valuations, Workers’ Compensation legal work, Investigations, and being an Intermediary for Reinsurance.
Founded in 1987, Landin Services was created to administer third-party self-insurance risk pools for private entities.
Provides fronted and non-fronted reinsurance for Workers Compensation, Auto, Liability, Property, and Cyber coverages.